Not so long ago, the Inuit shared knowledge and stories through being, doing, and talking together in Inuktitut.  Then the Europeans came. They introduced two ways of writing Inuktitut: syllabic and roman (or latin).

ᐃᓄᐃᑦ is the syllabic form of the word “Inuit”.   

Here’s an example of the roman form of Inuktitut: “jirait aaqqiksimaningit taimailingainnarunnangittut.” It’s taken from this page, which uses these different types of alphabets to tell the story of the Ijirait.

These are Inuit syllabic letters, with their roman versions. Try to see what your name would look like in syllabic.

Designed by Taqqut Productions Inc. Artwork by Germaine Arnaktauyok.

Copyright Sivumu Northern Productions, Arnait Video Productions 2019